As an experienced graphic designer and production artist I help my clients convey a clear message to their audience. To accomplish this, I use an assortment of tools including photography, illustration, typography, color, movement, proportion and format to bring their message to life. Combining and selecting these elements, together with my client’s input, I help them create a product that will communicate their brand in the clearest possible way.
I am experienced in the several stages of producing a final design. This includes conferring with other professionals to develop a concept, preparing rough sketches and allocating resources. I am familiar with the details of studio work and scheduling with other departments. As part of my pre-press experience, I processed final output, repaired files when needed, and conferred with multiple vendors.
I’ve designed book covers and interior layouts for trade and institutional clients using InDesign and Quark. In this process I choose the typefaces and images and put together templates that other designers would follow. My experience includes final artwork for high volume print production and assembling presentations for client review. Recently I‘ve been working with HTML and CSS for websites and email campaigns to help nonprofits promote their missions and goals.
Here, I’m presenting this portfolio and blog to promote my work. This is not a finished product. Instead, its purpose is to tell you what I’ve been learning and about ideas and concepts I’m experimenting with. Some work will be professional and some will be purely creative. For potential clients and vendors it should give you an idea of my range of services for artists and designers, it can hopefully be a source for exchanges of ideas. Comments are welcome. I hope you will enjoy, share, and support my site.